Jan 17

CLE Announces New Senior Director of Strategy & Impact

The Center for Learner Equity (CLE) is excited to announce the promotion of Jennifer Coco into a new position, Senior Director of Strategy & Impact. As the inaugural Senior Director of Strategy & Impact, Jennifer will lead and expand CLE’s state and local work, deepening the organization’s investments in target geographies and increasing alignment across our projects. 

Having piloted in New Orleans for several years, Jennifer will refine an intermediary approach, bringing CLE’s multidisciplinary expertise on special education and charter schools and facilitating local collective action around systemic special education challenges for which no one entity holds responsibility. Outcomes may include: more equitable enrollment systems, strengthened portfolios of programs and services across autonomous schools, innovative infrastructure entities, funding formulas for equitable resource allocation, or communities of practice to drive innovation.

Jennifer’s work will be supported by Wendy Tucker, who is also taking on a new role at CLE. As CLE’s Senior Policy Fellow, Wendy will continue to lead the development and pursuit of CLE’s federal policy agenda, focusing on advancing and protecting the civil rights of students with disabilities, and advocacy around federal charter school policy to prioritize technical assistance and school readiness for special education programs.  Wendy will support CLE’s state and local work, advising on the development of policy solutions and providing strategic guidance on project implementation.

Jennifer and Wendy’s work is in service of the organization’s mission to catalyze student success and eradicate the complex, pervasive, and systematic barriers that prevent students with disabilities from accessing educational opportunities, quality support, school choice, and inclusive environments.