Apr 21

Finding the Right Fit for Students with Disabilities – Complicated but Critical to Charter School Sustainability

Education Next recently published an article by The Center for Learner Equity Executive Director, Lauren Morando Rhim emphasizing the importance of disseminating accurate information regarding the responsibilities of charter schools to serve students with disabilities. The article was in response to an earlier one by Laura Waters and highlighted some misperceptions that were included in her discussion of the complex issues involved with students with disabilities exercising school choice.

“Providing a free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment suitable for their unique needs is complicated for all schools. However, as state legislatures and the Trump administration look to grow school choice, we must commit to ensuring that increases in choice do not lead to decreases in access to quality schools for, or greater segregation of, students with disabilities. Absent this commitment, choice is neither scalable nor sustainable.”